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Back in the Game

by on August 29, 2011

Moments ago, with cooler in hand, messenger bag secure and freshly pressed dress shirt and slacks, Bryan headed to Alvernia University for his first day of school. His day begins with a new job as a Graduate Assistant in the Campus Ministry Office and will end with a grad class this evening. He bought a new planner to document all the upcoming events and class assignments that he’s so eagerly been awaiting. As the 2011/2012 school year begins, he couldn’t be happier to be back in the game!

  1. Marcia permalink

    so happy for you both but esp. happy that Bryan is well enough to tackle this adventure!! love to you both!

  2. Robin permalink


    I’m happy to hear that you are “back in the game.” You will do a great job in the graduate assistant position.

  3. Sue Cloutier permalink

    Way to go Bry! It must feel just great rejoining the mainstream again. Don’t overtax your body, at least not at first. As you build up your stamina, your outlook on things will improve even more than it has already. Way to go, buddy.

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