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Day 37

by on May 6, 2011

It’s been a while since the last blog, but all is continuing as it should. We returned home last Friday on Day 30. The appointment with Doc went well last Thursday. Everything is “par for the course” and Doc was very pleased with Bryan’s progress. He was so pleased with the progress being made that Bryan doesn’t have to return for a check up for 2 weeks. Bryan gets blood work every week, but no longer through his line – Doc removed Bryan’s Hohn catheter in the office, at the bedside, that day and Bryan couldn’t be happier! I guess that answers the question “Is that an out-patient procedure?”

Small steps seem to be key. This past week we’ve taken a few short walks around the block (or half the block), worked on increasing calorie intake, caught up on some Mario playing time, and are generally enjoying being home. Things aren’t quite “back to normal” but we’re defining a new “normal” these days. We’ve passed the 30 day hurdle and the next hurdle is 100 days and we’re cautiously opptomistic.

From → General Updates

  1. Diane Wilson permalink

    Glad things are going well. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Love to you both. Paul and Diane

  2. Cynthia and Jerry Ogden permalink

    Thanks for the update – hope all things continue to be on the upswing. How great that you can do some walking outdoors – perfect time of year to be out. Tell Bryan to keep up the good work, and you, Camille, too !!


    Jerry and Cynthia

  3. yay! Bryan is taking walks around the block? Sounds like he’s doing pretty well! Let me know if you need anything:)

  4. Kelly S permalink

    glad things are continuing to go well! enjoy the beautiful weather outside!:)

  5. James Schreiner permalink

    It is wonderful to know you have been appreciating some short walks.

    Cherish the warmth. (from Mother Nature & the people who Love you)

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